Yann LeCun's Home Page
Yann LeCun argues current AI methods are flawed as he pushes for ‘world modelling’ vision for superintelligence (Financial Times, 05/2024) TIME 100 Impact Award: Yann Lecun Is Optimistic That AI Will Lead to a Better World (TIME, 02/2024) Meta’s AI Chief Yann LeCun on AGI, Open-Source, and AI Risk (TIME, 02/2024)
MNIST handwritten digit database, Yann LeCun, Corinna Cortes …
The digit images in the MNIST set were originally selected and experimented with by Chris Burges and Corinna Cortes using bounding-box normalization and centering. Yann LeCun's version which is provided on this page uses centering by center of mass within in a larger window. Yann LeCun, Professor The Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
MNIST Demos on Yann LeCun's website
Y. LeCun and Y. Bengio. Convolutional networks for images, speech, and time-series. In M. A. Arbib, editor, The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks .
Yann LeCun's Home Page
Yann LeCun, VP and Chief AI Scientist, Facebook Silver Professor of Computer Science, Data Science, Neural Science, and Electrical and Computer Engineering, New York University .
Yann LeCun's Music Page
The band I played with in high school and college (1975 to 1983) was called Ensemble de Musique Ancienne de Bury, and composed of 12 amateur musicians, many of whom are now professional musician: Jean-Jacques Dubayle (band leader, recorders, krumhorns, harpsichord), Christophe Aubry (violin), Philippe Baudin (recorders), Antoine Courtecuisse ...
Yann's DjVu Page - yann.lecun.com
Yann's DjVu Page image compression for digital libraries DjVu (pronounced déjà vu ) is an image compression technique, a file format, and a software platform, designed bring paper documents and high resolution photos to the Internet.
Yann LeCun's Home Page
Yann LeCun, Director of AI Research, Facebook Founding Director of the NYU Center for Data Science Silver Professor of Computer Science, Neural Science, and Electrical and Computer Engineering, The Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Center for Neural Science, and Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, NYU School of Engineering
Fun Stuff - Yann LeCun
"Yann" is the Breton form of Ian/John/Jean/Jan/Johannes in Irish/English/French/Dutch/German. The French pronounce it "Yahn", but the real Bretons pronounce it "Yawnn" with a short "awn" and a long "n".
Image Processing Research Department - Yann LeCun
The group produced not only the world's first neural net chip, but also the first (and may be the last) neural net chips to actually do something useful. Generations of chips included "Net32K" designed by Hans-Peter Graf, and the ANNA chip designed by Bernhard Boser and Edi Sackinger with help from Yann LeCun. Those chips used mixed digital ...
Yann LeCun's news
Yann LeCun's Home Publications OCR LeNet-5 Demos Unusual Patterns unusual styles weirdos Invariance translation (anim) scale (anim) rotation (anim) squeezing (anim) stroke width (anim) Noise Resistance noisy 3 and 6 noisy 2 (anim) noisy 4 (anim) Multiple Character various stills dancing 00 (anim) dancing 384 (anim)