Cigna's Evernorth Health Services said on Wednesday its actions will enhance transparency about the company's negotiations.
The industry says it keeps down the cost of prescription drugs, but critics say it's profiting at the expense of patients.
Cigna Group plans to limit patients’ out-of-pocket expenses for medications as the insurer faces pressure from Washington ...
According to Bloomberg, a top Cigna executive said it will prevent patients from paying the full list price for drugs, or more than their employer has contributed.
In 2021, the FDA approved a new insulin drug, Semglee, that was interchangeable with a brand-name insulin called Lantus.
In 2021, the FDA approved a new insulin drug, Semglee, that was interchangeable with a brand-name insulin called Lantus.
The three largest drug middlemen inflated the costs of numerous life-saving medications by billions of dollars over the past ...
Denouncing the $557 billion industry as “horrible middlemen,” responsible for—and “rich as hell” from— America’s incomparably high prescription drug prices, Trump vowed to get rid of ...
The Federal Trade Commission on Tuesday released an interim report saying that powerful drug middlemen marked up drugs for cancer, AIDS, multiple sclerosis and other serious maladies far over the ...