Indian benchmark indices opened higher on Friday, extending gains to day three this week, as Nifty Bank, auto, FMCG and IT sectors led the morning trade. In early trade, Nifty rose 0.31 per cent to 23 ...
Over the past 50 years, 6 flags have been planted on the lunar surface, and the first one was in 1969. Scientists have been trying to find out what happened to these flags. RBC-Ukraine reports when ...
New Hampshire teacher Christa McAuliffe and other astronauts were honored Thursday by NASA during its Day of Remembrance.
At this year’s Davos, Bengio raised the alarm over “very strong agency and self-preserving behavior” in A.I. systems.
Jan. 23, marks a day of remembrance for NASA and the Astronauts Memorial Foundation. The solemn ceremony pays tribute to the lives lost in three of the most tragic moments in NASA's history.
"We must honor their sacrifice by fortifying our commitment to safety and excellence as new generations of space explorers, follow their footsteps." ...
Lewis' latest work follows the life and travels of a musician named Leonard Cohen. But not THE Leonard Cohen, an inadequacy ...
NASA holds a Day of Remembrance to pay respect to the lives lost while working to further the understanding of space. This includes the crews of Apollo 1, Challenger and Columbia.
Newfi initially established its partnership with residential transition loan provider Dunmor in June 2024 to help it open up funding capacity and establish its presence in the lending segment.
Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Ltd., incorporated in the year 1979, is a Large Cap company (having a market cap of Rs 99,486.76 Crore) operating in Hospitals & Allied Services sector. Apollo Hospitals ...
The Apollo I and space shuttle Challenger and Columbia astronauts were remembered during an annual ceremony at Kennedy Space Center.
The World Monuments Fund submission highlights that there are almost 100 sites on the Moon bearing traces of the human history of space exploration.