Scientists studying Saturn's icy moon, Enceladus, have discovered that its ocean forms layers that slow the upward movement ...
The vast valleys of Vallis Schrödinger and Vallis Planck demonstrate the incredible forces that shaped the face of the Moon.
Scientists have uncovered the long-sought mechanism behind low-field magnetars, showing that supernova fallback material ...
On April 10, 1912, the Titanic, the largest ship in the water, left England on her maiden voyage to New York City. Despite ...
The Moon isn’t as quiet as we thought! Newly discovered ridges and moonquakes suggest recent tectonic activity, reshaping its ...
Read an exclusive excerpt from the upcoming queer gothic vampire novel, 'A Blood As Bright As The Moon' only on Dread Central ...
Hello Games has released the “Worlds Part II” (version 5.5) update for No Man’s Sky. Here is an overview of the update, via its official website: ...
ITV News' Science Correspondent Martin Stew meets the team behind Sentinel, a prototype habitat with plans to house people ...
How Titan maintains its atmosphere Laboratory experiments produced gases similar to those on Saturn's moon Date: January 27, 2025 Source: Southwest Research Institute Summary: Scientists have ...
Honeybee’s breakthrough technologies are also set to touch down on the netherworld-like moon Titan, revolving around ... Zubrin envisions that inside massive geodesic domes - assembled by ...
The celestial bodies in our solar system take many forms. Some are made of rock, others gas, and others even ice. The farther ...