Patients with predominantly cranial vs isolated extracranial GCA phenotypes present with different patterns of arterial involvement on 18F-FDG PET-CT scans.
There was no difference in mortality between PMR and non-PMR cohorts. 5. Positive temporal artery biopsy Biopsy specimen with the artery showing vasculitis characterized by prominence of ...
In this paper, we introduce a DSA Sequence-based Cerebral Artery segmentation dataset (DSCA), the publicly accessible dataset designed specifically for pixel-level semantic segmentation of CAs.
More tests showed that her left circumflex artery "had a 99% blockage." A piece of plaque that had built up in the artery had detached, blocking nearly all blood flow. "They told my family I was ...
A 'beautiful' six-year-old girl has died after a needle accidentally pierced a major artery during a 'minor ... something had gone wrong during the biopsy, a consultant haematologist raised ...
A total of 93 patients received temporal artery biopsy (TAB), among which 53 (57%) had positive results; 18 out of 63 patients (27.3%) yielded positive results on color Doppler ultrasounds of the ...
A doctor may recommend a biopsy to investigate a breast lump. The type of biopsy a person has depends on the nature of the lump. Biopsies may cause some discomfort and bruising. A breast biopsy is ...
We thank Laetitia BARBIER (Department of Pathology, Dijon University Hospital, F-21000 Dijon, France) for her help in analyzing temporal artery biopsies; Sabine Berthier, Thibault Ghesquière, Barbara ...
the arteriography and the renal-biopsy examinations. In spite of a definite stenosal lesion of the main renal artery, demonstrated by renal arteriography, the split-function study in 5 of these ...
Current biomarkers, including elevated serum erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and C‐reactive protein (CRP), lack specificity (41.3%) and positive predictive value (29.3%) even in patients with ...