This economic bondage, called sharecropping, was a system by which tenant farmers rented land from large landowners. Tenants rarely cleared enough to pay their costs and fell into debt. In effect, ...
But the grand property has stood mostly empty and unused since sharecropping ended last century. The 1820s plantation house ...
In DeKalb County, a group of historic sites wants to keep the legacy of a once-bustling Black sharecropping community alive.
Do you have a story to tell about sharecropping in Williamsburg County, the Pee Dee or Low Country regions or another part of South Carolina? Epps-McGill Farmhouse is seeking to document and ...
Black History Month recognizes the generations of African Americans who struggled with adversity to achieve full citizenship in American society. As ‘Repossessions’ opens at the California African ...
"The books never balanced off," Sanders said. "We always owed. So, sharecropping in a sense was keeping you in debt." Sanders' family moved around. He eventually enlisted for a few years and became a ...