Missoula held its first open house Wednesday on plans to redevelop the area where the Johnson Street Shelter currently ...
A bill in the Montana Legislature is creating uncertainty as it could potentially open the city to lawsuits for events like ...
Izaak Opatz at the ZACC: The Whitefish-raised singer-songwriter and bard of the heart-broken Montana road trip will hit the Show Room on Thursday, March 6. You can also hear the Alpines, a Missoula ...
A study for one of Western Montana's busiest highways is now available for the public to review. The "U.S. 93: Missoula to ...
Land management agencies across the state are starting on prescribed burning projects across western Montana. Prescribed ...
A state senator from Missoula pleaded guilty to a charge of driving under the influence after a political fundraising event ...
The Missoula Redevelopment Agency (MRA) and the City of Missoula are set to discuss the future of the land north of Montana ...
On Monday, a Montana judge roundly rejected homeowners' legal challenge to new laws allowing duplexes and accessory dwelling ...
Members of Montana's congressional delegation praised President Donald Trump's national address on Tuesday night, though ...
TheMontana Fish, Wildlife & Parks have responded to multiple outbreaks ofpigeon paramyxovirus (PPMV) in Missoula and Ravalli ...
While officials say they cannot elaborate on border operations, federal data show arrests by the Spokane Border Patrol Sector ...
A bill in the Montana Legislature is creating uncertainty as it could potentially open the city to lawsuits for events like Missoula's Pride Parade.