Dungeons & Dragons just released over 150 statblocks from the new Monster Manual for free for any player to use in their ...
While the Centipede route is a little slow compared to Jaguar and Eagle builds, it's one of the easiest Spiritborn setups to use, and it can wipe the entire screen clear of enemies in seconds with ...
Speccing into the Centipede gives you access to the busted Touch of Death build. For those who purchased the expansion, you also have new mechanics such as Mercenaries and Runewords to consider.
At level 15 select Gorilla as your Primary Spirit but select Centipede as your Secondary. The Gorilla Spirit will allow us to keep our protective barriers while taking advantage of the higher ...
The six DnD stats, or ‘ability scores’, describe a character’s natural mental and physical abilities. A character’s Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma are each ...
MONTEBELLO, QUE. - One of Canada’s “Dragons’ Den” stars is breathing fire at a former co-star over Canada’s approach to the Donald Trump White House. Arlene Dickinson, an investor who ...
Monsters are an important part of a Dungeons & Dragons session. There are multiple books devoted to finding the right monster to challenge your players during a climactic battle. So why not choose ...
If you’re someone who can’t stand the sight of worms or cockroaches, or if you have arachnophobia, chances are you won’t appreciate having house centipedes around you, either. House ...