The ruins of an ancient Jewish ritual bath have been found near Rome – the oldest such discovery outside of the biblical ...
When history repeats itself, it is not always a farce. When Justin Trudeau headed off to London on the invitation of British ...
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A udiences can't get enough of the war genre these days. Some other genres are perhaps more profitable and praised, but this ...
At the dawn of a second Trump era, American Hindu supremacists are increasingly aligning themselves with the MAGA far right.
For leaders who built empires throughout history, The Aeneid has been a blueprint for how to take over land that belongs to ...
Travelers have an advantage when it comes to learning from history: When we see its legacy in person, we better understand its lessons.
Tesla is losing its charge with many Americans as billionaire CEO Elon Musk faces plummeting sales, a freefalling stock, ...
Hoover Institution Senior Fellow Victor Davis Hanson criticized former MSNBC host Chris Matthews and Democratic strategist ...
Fascists, meanwhile, are popular, charismatic dictators with personality cults, with Italy’s Benito Mussolini being the quintessential example. Trump falls short on the total-power scale, but he does ...