La arteritis de la temporal es un tipo de vasculitis debida a la inflamación de arterias de tamaño mediano y grande que, característicamente, afecta a la arteria temporal (una arteria que ...
Arteria temporal superficial Es una de las ramas en que se bifurca la carótida externa al llegar a la altura de la articulación temporomandibular. Asciende por la región temporal y da origen a ...
Patients with predominantly cranial vs isolated extracranial GCA phenotypes present with different patterns of arterial involvement on 18F-FDG PET-CT scans.
A recent study found that combined tocilizumab and glucocorticoid therapy for at least 6 months did not fully eliminate ...
La arteria coronaria derecha que alimenta al ventrículo ... nitroglicerina para conseguir dilatar de forma temporal las arterias y reducir el esfuerzo del corazón para lograr un correcto flujo ...
Duplex ultrasound showed two true aneurysms of the left superficial temporal artery (2.8 × 4.6 mm and 3.0 × 4.8 mm) with normal, arterial perfusion, whereas the literature usually describes ...
Temporal Artery Biopsy A biopsy of the affected temporal artery should always be attempted to increase specificity of GCA diagnosis. In case biopsy is delayed but clinical suspicion of GCA is ...