Editor David Horovitz on Israeli anticipation surrounding Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's ongoing visit to the US capital and the restart of hostage release-ceasefire talks ...
The Neolithic communities of the Iberian Peninsula were already strategically and efficiently managing cattle herds 6,000 ...
No one can realistically be expected to know everything about the Palestinian Arab/Israeli conflict, yet there are recurring canards that one should be prepared to address with some level of knowledge ...
Although the United States is a fairly new country in comparison to others, it doesn’t mean its history is any less rich. The University of Connecticut Office of State Archaeology demonstrated that ...
He conquered land across three continents, ruled over states from Egypt to modern-day India, and never lost a battle – before ...
The Greek document details a court case in ancient Palestine involving tax fraud and provides insight into trial preparations in the Roman Empire ...
Local and international experts are filling a government void, and have begun the process of mapping and assessing sites ...
The remains of Alexander the Great may lie under the streets of Alexandria, they may have been "eaten by a shark," or they ...
The Rašaška site is part of the larger settlement of Bobare, which was owned in the early Middle Ages by the Knights Templar, a military order that took its name from Jerusalem's legendary Temple of ...
Cristina Valdiosera, a molecular archaeologist expert in ancient DNA, will coordinate this group, resulting from an agreement between both ...
For millions of years, as the Arabian and Eurasian continental plates have drifted toward each other, the underground ancient ...
Ella Egberts (VUB) traveled to Iraq in November and December as part of a pilot project to search for archaeological surface ...