Apple AirPods are priced between Rs 14,900 to Rs 59,900 on Apple's official website in India. After his disappointing experience with Tata Cliq, Siddharth Kishore Guru stated that he would stick to ...
A Delhi man experienced a shocking e-commerce scam when he ordered Apple AirPods from Tata Cliq but received an empty box and ...
In a post on X, he expressed his disappointment and vowed to rely on other e-commerce platforms moving forward. “Taking a lesson and will stick to Amazon, Blinkit, Myntra, Flipkart in future. Have ...
A Delhi man claims he ordered a pair of Apple AirPods from Tata Cliq but received an empty box and a cheap watch instead.
A mom named Kayla posted a video on TikTok and showed viewers how things went south for her young daughter after an Amazon worker made a delivery to her porch. The text overlay on the video reads, ...
Could Amazon stock be the key to your financial future? Check out why this company might be a cornerstone in your portfolio.
An Amazon package passes through the hands of at least 15 workers on its way to your Central Pennsylvania doorstep.
Amazon put a fleet of autonomous forklifts, order picking AI-powered robots, and a milestone 20,000th electric delivery van on the road.
In addition to the sustainability measures for Kindle, Echo and Fire TV products, the company added a tactile feature to aid consumers with visual impairments.