Mumbai: The State, on Thursday, told the Bombay High Court that the death of a 23-year-old woman who died in 2021 after falling from her Pune residence’s balcony, was an accident. The police informed a bench of Chief Justice Alok Aradhe and Justice Bharati Dangre during the hearing in a PIL by BJP leader Chitra Wagh wherein it is alleged that
According to Deputy Commissioner of Police (special branch) Milind Mohite, of the 53 illegal immigrants deported, 19, all of them women, were from Uganda. Besides, 10 were from Nigeria, eight from Yemen, seven from Afghanistan, three from Bangladesh and one each from Congo, Iran, Iraq, Ivory Coast, Russia and Thailand.
The state health department has directed Pune Municipal Corporation to survey 2 lakh homes in Sinhagad Road and surrounding areas. This is to identify the cause of a spike in Guillain-Barre Syndrome admissions in hospitals.
Pune startups attracted $395 million in funding across 70 rounds, reflecting a nearly 10% decline from the previous year, according to Tracxn
Rajya Sabha MP Dr. Medha Kulkarni recently led a site visit at Ram-Mula Sangam, a critical part of the 44-kilometer Riverfront Development project in Pune. The visit, aimed at raising concerns regarding the ongoing work,
A recent outbreak of Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) with 59 people being diagnosed with the rare neurological disorder mostly in the Sinhagad Road area of Pune has led to a growing concern among residents. The Neurological Society of Pune has urged citizens not to panic and reassured the public that GBS is a ‘treatable condition’.
The Maharashtra State Road Development Corporation (MSRDC) has announced a three-hour traffic block on 22, 23, and 24 January to facilitate the installation of girders for a new bridge on the Mumbai-Pune Expressway.
According to the public health department, the suspected cases include 33 from Pune rural, 11 from Pune and 12 from Pimpri-Chinchwad municipal limits. Three patients from neighbouring districts are al
The Pune police have initiated a special drive against foreign nationals, including Bangladeshis, illegally living in the city, an official said on Thursday. The move comes a week after a 36-year-old Bangladeshi national was arrested for allegedly illegally living in the city for the last 20 years and running a garment
As Pune grapples with an unprecedented outbreak of Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS), an immunological nerve disorder linked with contaminated water and food, residents in the affected and nearby areas are blaming the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) for failing to provide access to safe water to the residents.
Stool and blood samples of patients have been sent for examination at the National Virology Laboratory Pune. Water samples from various parts of Pune will be examined at the state's public health lab.
Mumbai Pickle Power will take on Maharashtra rivals Pune United in the opening match of the World Pickleball League (WPBL) at the Cricket Club of India (CCI) on Friday, kick-starting the India leg of the mega event that will have a total of 15 ties comprising five matches each.