The debate over school choice vouchers in Texas is heating up as Senate Bill 2, which proposes an education savings account program, moves to the ...
After seven hours of debate over SB 2 on the Senate floor Wednesday, the chamber suspended rules so that they could expedite ...
Idaho House lawmakers have passed a $50 million private school tuition subsidy bill after hours of debate Friday afternoon.
The chamber voted 73-18 in favor of a bill to increase limitations for how transgender students use bathrooms in schools.
Lawmakers considered a range of education savings accounts, which are subsidized by the government to help families pay for ...
The bill’s supporters want to include housing vouchers for homeless and low-income New Yorkers in this year’s ...
According to TSTA, while Senate Bill 2 has an initial cost of about $1 billion, the bill is expected to balloon up to $6 ...
School voucher bill to be tested in Texas house ...
In its first hearing of the legislative session, the Assembly Education Committee took testimony Thursday on several ...
Top Republicans praised the Texas Senate's passage of "school choice" legislation as the proposal advances to the House where ...