In Physics, Book II, Ch. 3 Aristotle distinguishes four causes or, better, four explanatory factors that can be given in the answer to the question of why an entity changes in whatever ways it does ...
and in particular his cutting the list of real ontological categories from Aristotle’s ten to two: substance and quality (plus a few specimens of relation in theological contexts). Although I will say ...
Over 2,700 years ago, the Assyrians exiled the ten tribes of the Kingdom of Israel. The ten tribes would have returned at once to the Holy Land had not the Lord encircled them with the legendary ...
In case of abuse, Report this post. The Mishna tells us (Ethics of the Father 5:3) that God tested Abraham ten times. But, the Mishna does not list what the tests were. It seems like a ...
Kagaku tetsugaku, Vol. 43, Issue. 1, p. 15. This is a book about Aristotle's philosophy of language, interpreted in a framework that provides a comprehensive interpretation of Aristotle's metaphysics, ...
The great Greek philosopher, Aristotle, was one of the first. He thought that slavery was a natural thing and that human beings came in two types - slaves and non-slaves. For that some should rule ...
In this article, we will dive into seven of the most popular and top-selling categories in the literary world.
What is beauty? It’s one of the oldest questions in Western philosophy. Once, great thinkers considered it to be a value as solid and unchanging as a hunk of marble, prized alongside goodness ...
CNBC’s annual ranking of state business climates considers quality of life among ten categories of competitiveness. Quality ...
While everyone admired Bird's ability to dominate the game without elite athleticism, Shaq hated the Indiana native for it.