After a month of cleaning up hazardous materials and oily water from the Aurora, a once-sinking ship in the Delta near ...
The source said rescuers were still searching for Lynch’s 18-year-old daughter, Hannah, the l ast p er son missing from the luxury boat ... regularly described in U.K. media as “Britain ...
Heath and the Lost in Waters Deep group determined the rough location of the wreck thanks to reports of the sinking, including the logbook from the German U-boat. The group has informed both the ...
A heavily overcrowded boat with an estimated 60 migrants and children as young as three on board was filmed almost sinking in the Channel on Friday morning. Witnesses said it was “seconds from ...
A survivor of the boat that capsized in the Manukau Harbour raised the alarm that someone was missing after a treacherous swim to shore in large swells. The other man is yet to be located.
But Italian authorities are investigating whether the crew’s actions and their handling of the boat contributed to the deadly sinking. New-Zealand born Cutfield is not in custody, according to ...
SAPPORO -- A digital camera that possibly belonged to a passenger on the doomed Kazu I sightseeing boat, which sank off the coast of the Shiretoko Peninsula in eastern Hokkaido and left 26 dead or ...
New Zealander James Cutfield, 50, is reportedly under investigation after seven people died in the sinking on Aug. 19 The ... Per CNN and Politico, the boat's commander, James Cutfield, 50 ...
That turned out to be one of the last posts he would write before a holiday to honour the stunning courtroom victory turned to disaster. Chris Morvillo and his wife Neda are among the missing ...
Water pouring into open hatches or doors could have contributed to the sinking, experts say, but that on its own may not account for the speed at which such a large boat vanished underwater.
Authorities in Italy have opened a manslaughter investigation into the sinking of a superyacht ... of the behavior of the crew and the way the boat was handled. He said the investigation was ...