The Advantage2 computer that was used to achieve today’s milestone is available for customers today on D-Wave’s Leap ...
The race among quantum computers is full of higher number of qubits and error correction rates. But what problems that need solving now?
This new superconducting prototype quantum processor achieved benchmarking results to rival Google's new Willow QPU.
In research inspired by the principles of quantum mechanics, researchers from Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) and the ...
Welcome to the fascinating frontier where science fiction meets reality—quantum computing. As we stand on the brink of a technological revolution, this groundbreaking field promises to redefine ...
The intersection of quantum computing and GenAI holds enormous potential, offering organizations a way to supercharge AI's ...
The company says it has solved the first problem of scientific relevance with a quantum processor faster than could be done ...
A quantum processor solved a problem in 20 minutes that would take a supercomputer millions of years. A supercomputer then did a part of it in about 2 hours.