it’s easy to see how the virus can spread like wildfire in settings like schools, care homes, and cruise ships. Most people ...
The CDC said 69 passengers and 16 crew on board the Princess Cruises ship Coral Princess reported falling ill with norovirus ...
Researchers at Vaxart Inc. and the Center for Vaccine Development at the University of Maryland School of Medicine evaluated ...
A pharmacist has issued a 10-minute rule to help speed up recovery from a nasty winter bug amid a surge in cases in the UK.
The latest NHS figures show twice as many cases as last year and more than 1,000 people a day in the hospital with norovirus ...
The UKHSA warns that if you catch norovirus, "don't got to work or school" for 48 hours after symptoms stop, as you can still ...
People in the U.K. who have already had norovirus this season could still be at risk due to a shift in circulating strains, ...
The main symptoms of norovirus include signs of gastroenteritis, Martinello says. A mild norovirus infection might just cause ...
Stomach bugs and norovirus are a regular health issue on land and sea but cruise lines seem to unfairly gain most of the ...
During respiratory illness season there a more graphic, yet shorter-lasting virus making the rounds especially among kids: ...
England’s top doctor has urged the public to isolate for two days if they feel unwell after a surge in norovirus cases has ...
Even if you've had norovirus once already this winter there is a chance you could get it again, experts have warned.