Every Christmas season, as in every Easter season, I retreat from bread and butter life, including revelry, to retreat as ...
Jesus came to Earth in a humble manner. The Savior of the world and God of all creation put on humanity to die for our sins ...
By H H Mohrmen Christmas is the day celebrated to mark an event when Christ became flesh, lived, and became part of the ...
There is a day of the Lord to come where the heavens resound, the Lamb shall return in glory, and all creation returned to ...
Looking around, one can feel the anguish of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, as he wrote the words to a poem that has become known ...
Dr. Lewis Shepherd, vice president for community and intercultural engagement, shared a Christmas message with campus at our last chapel service of the semester.
Christmas giving! Ugh! You mean more money to be spent! More to be given than you will get in return — if anything in return. “Christmas seems to me like ...
The 12 days of Christmas tell of martyrdom, pain, and sacrifice as much as life, joy, and salvation. This is no accident.
South Asian Christians use connections between the Diwali festival and Christmas to point their communities to Christ.
Rekindling Faith, Peace, and Love Below…! (Practical Tips for Christmas Bliss) by Rev. Fr. (Dr.) Eymard Fernando Bishop’s ...