"There are no limits to the truths that can be revealed to us by the power of the Holy Ghost," President Bruce C. Kusch ...
If you live under a rock or in a remote African village without Facebook, THE BOOK OF MORMON was developed by Matt Stone, ...
Christ Church Parish (Episcopal) will celebrate Epiphany, a feast day, with its annual roaring bonfire on the open field in ...
Donald Miller's ‘Blue Like Jazz’ spoke for a generation, and left disillusioned evangelicals more dissatisfied.
By and large, however, the book keeps a polite distance from gender specifics. Long stretches pass without any mention of men ...
Bray divers are starting a new diving course this month. There are up to five more places available. Trainees pace through ...
Walking the path of Sufism; dancing for universal peace All are invited to Unitarian Universalists of DeLand’s 10:30 a.m.