Ellen Green, a postgraduate researcher with the University of Reading, analyzed “Quarry 1” from the Nescot site and found “it ...
O ne of the largest collections of human and animal bones ever seen in a Roman feature in Britain has been discovered inside ...
Bones dug up by workers laying cables close to a church have been reburied after being examined by an archaeologist, police ...
Explore the surprising findings about the Ancient Vikings. Learn how advanced DNA analysis is reshaping our understanding of ...
People have been left shocked after human bones discovered near St Andrew's Church in Norwich were left outside.
The discovery of a new species of ancient big-headed humans in Asia, dubbed Juluren or is revolutionizing our understanding ...
Smithsonian paleoanthropologists explore how the year brought us closer to understanding ancient human relatives and origins ...
On a lakeside peninsula in Eastern Africa, archaeologists have found clues about a society that lived there over 3 million ...
NAGOYA -- What were until now thought to be the oldest human fossils found in Japan, known as the "Ushikawa man," are ...
A new DNA analysis test on ancient bones could result in a rewrite of some of Britain's key moments in history, researchers ...
Now researchers can identify subtler changes over just hundreds of years, providing clues as to how people migrated and ...
Painted dog penis bone, believed to be the first of its kind, is unearthed from limestone shaft in Surrey’s Ewell ...