Are you using, or planning to use the offical UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) logo, including the colour wheel and 17 icons in your communications materials? Did you know that the SDG ...
The “This PC” icon is a quick and convenient way to access your computer’s drives, folders, and files. It is a shortcut to your computer’s most important directory and can be found on the desktop of ...
This project is no longer maintained by the author. Repository is outdated and major refactoring is necessary, however, feel free to provide fixes/new features in pull requests.
Check out the docs for full instructions on getting started.
As of the writing, there is no official statement from Facebook regarding the reason for changing the icon to black and blue. However, it may be related to the upcoming full release of iOS 18 on ...
The pentagon is the best shape to combine a certain geometrical integrity without having to adapt to the surrounding order : in other words it has a distinct shape.
Many of Cliff Tobey’s friends and neighbors struggled over the years to get their children to doctor’s appointments or pick them up when schools closed early during Minnesota’s brutal winters. Lacking ...
The United States economy appears to be precariously perched on the brink of recession. The stock market’s recent plunge reflects heightened recession fears, further exacerbated by a bleak jobs report ...