Optic neuritis (ON) is an inflammation that damages ... changes in the way the pupil reacts to bright light photopsia, seeing flashing lights or floaters in one or both eyes Uhthoff’s phenomenon ...
When the following symptoms accompany the abnormal pupil size and blurred vision in one eye, it is known as Adie's syndrome: Optic neuritis is optic nerve inflammation and typically only affects ...
Lack of pain Ischemic optic neuropathy, NMO-associated optic neuritis, LHON ... Lack of an afferent pupillary defect Various maculopathies, bilateral optic neuropathy (including bilateral DON ...
In this Healio Video Perspective from Hawaiian Eye 2025, Riad Sherif, MD, CEO of Oculis, discusses data on OCS-05 for the ...
Naismith et al. state that they preferentially recruited patients with severe optic neuritis (with ≤20/200 vision) and poor recovery (to <20/40 vision).This bias in selecting study participants ...
The trial met safety and efficacy endpoints. OCS-05 met safety and efficacy endpoints in the treatment of acute optic neuritis in a phase 2 trial, according to a press release from Oculis.
OCS-05 demonstrates safety and efficacy in treating acute optic neuritis, receiving FDA IND clearance for clinical development in the U.S. Small sample size of only 36 patients in the Phase 2 ...
This enables us to see better. In optic neuritis, your optic nerve gets inflamed that leads to blurring of vision. Optic neuritis is also called retrobulbar neuritis. Depending on how inflamed ...