Meta recently launched AI characters on WhatsApp, letting eligible users text custom-built chatbots. Based on a new WhatsApp beta build for Android, the company could soon let users create AI ...
WhatsApp is developing a new home screen widget for Android that provides direct access to Meta AI, making it easier for users to engage with the AI assistant. The 4x1 widget will feature two main ...
Meta is enhancing user interaction on WhatsApp with its new artificial intelligence chatbot, Meta AI. This feature is gradually being introduced in India and other nations to make conversations ...
No app is safe, from Facebook to Messenger to WhatsApp to Instagram. Meta AI is there whether you want it or not, and there’s no way to deactivate it. Meanwhile, ChatGPT is entirely optional ...
WhatsApp has added a new shortcut to its interface that enables users to open a conversation with Meta AI from the chats tab, improving its visibility and accessibility for users. According to ...
WhatsApp grabbed a lot of attention after it introduced Meta AI for users at different locations. Now the report suggests that the Meta-owned platform can introduce the new widget that will allow ...