TL;DR: A large bank of online courses from Harvard University are available to take for free on edX. edX hosts a wide range ...
Covers the historical development of virtual reality technologies and virtual ... will be applied to designing one game expansion and one original tabletop game over the course of the semester. This ...
These core courses usually focus on game design, game engine development, digital storytelling, 2-D and 3-D modeling, and animation and computer programming languages such as Java, C++ and C#.
This means you can only choose one of the offered courses to study and credit to your qualification. An introduction to the principles and concepts of game development. Students will gain a creative ...
In this course, students will design and develop games using the Unity game engine, with focus on team-based projects and agile development practices. Lectures will cover game design theory, game ...
This is a pre-production course for Game Arts majors used to develop ... to code the evolving Senior Project game prototypes. Senior Project Development also includes two public reviews designed to ...
An introduction to the principles and concepts of game development. Students will gain a creative and basic technical knowledge of the tools and techniques essential to the development and production ...