On a hill of birch and spruce overlooking the Knik Arm, a narrow stretch of the Gulf of Alaska that extends northwest of ...
Board game, clay tablets and building remains shed light on the ancient city of Qabra and its cultural identity.
Archaeologists Discover 5000-Yr-Old Extraordinary Megalithic Stone Tomb Aligned With the Summer Solstice According to a new ...
“If it is Caiaphas, the discovery would confirm that the people who play a role in the stories of the New Testament were real and not fictitious,” notes archaeologist Eric Cline. Today the ...
“People were in Central Texas much earlier than we previously thought, 20,000 years ago vs. 13,500,” archaeologist D. Clark Wernecke told this newspaper in 2019, “which means that people arrived in ...
Board game, clay tablets and building remains shed light on the ancient city of Qabra and its cultural identity.